Diary is a group of two boys who have been in the underground for a long time and now making it up.
GUC had the chance to had an interview a member of them ;(Cris.)
GUC: What is Diary about?
Diary: Diary is a group of two boys.Am Cris and the other is Seth.
GUC: How Long have you been doing music?
Diary: We have been in music for 8years now.
GUC: What inspires your song writing?
Diary: Inspire? Our life and love from others.
GUC: Which artist inspire you in music?
Diary: I love Eminem and he inspires me with how he puts his words and lyrics
GUC: What are some of the challenges you face as an upcoming artistes?
Diary: Challenges, alot, don't get time for your self, the up and downs get too much and you even forget to rest.
GUC: Which category of people do you aim to reach with your music?
Diary: We do everything even the pastors do like our music
GUC: Now our last question.What is your message to your fans?
Diary: For our fans we love them all and they should look up for good music from us soon.(DIARY)
Click here to download Diary's new track ft Guru.
love the music
diary .fink dis boys r gud
i alsolove their zegale song,love them
hot music frm diary
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